a5c7b9f00b After New York City receives a series of attacks from giant flying robots, a reporter teams up with a pilot in search of their origin, as well as the reason for the disappearances of famous scientists around the world. The lives of reporter Polly Perkins and her ex-boyfriend, Joe Sullivan, intersect. For the past three years, large robots have been roaming the Earth, taking what they need, and vanishing as quickly as they appeared. Joe and his technical assistant Dex have been investigating and battling these mysterious robots. Meanwhile, many of the world's scientists have been systematically kidnapped. Dr. Jennings, believing that he is the next target, tells what little he knows to Polly. His beliefs are that Dr. Totenkopf, who has not been heard from in over thirty years, is carrying out a project he started prior to World War I, this project which may be associated with these robots. Polly and Joe, with Dex, join forces to find Totenkopf, which may not be easy due to their still antagonistic relationship. As they piece together Totenkopf's plot, Polly and Joe realize that stopping him from carrying out his grand plan of creating his version of a Utopian society may not be as easy as killing him. OK... this film is no blade runner. a lot of people don't seem to get it, but the point is that this film isn't supposed to be "bigger & badder" than today's high tech sci-fi films like the matrix. it's supposed to be an homage to 1930s serials and comic books.<br/><br/>in that regard, sky captains is a great film. there really hasn't ever been a film like it. it has the feel of old "buck rogers" type films, but also has the sfx that today's audiences expect. i found myself thinking during the film "i bet this would really make anyone seeing it in 1930s eyes bulge".<br/><br/>the soft focus and narrow tonal range bother many, but for me, made the film seem more authentic. it really looked like an airbrushed comic book more so than say dick tracy. the very things that a lot of people complained about actually helped this film in my opinion. yes, it was a cgi film... but the cgi didn't look as "plastic" as it does in other slicker films because the soft focus romanticizes it.<br/><br/>while this isn't the "best sci-fi" film ever made, it's nice to see film makers brave enough to throw modern formula out the window and get back to basics. sky captains has a nice nostalgic feel for anyone looking for an alternative to today's overly jaded "corporate sludge" films.<br/><br/>instead of trying to cash in on whatever the flavor of the minute is... sky captains goes out and does it's own thing. it's refreshing to see heroes that don't wear Gothic black leather like so many recent films and to see it on the bad guys instead again! LOL<br/><br/>by the way... that "evil chick with the pouty lips" looks hot! LOL<br/><br/>sky captains isn't for everyone. if you're never satisfied and expect every film to be more over the top and technically perfect than the last one you'll be disappointed, but if you want to try a more nostalgic film (just like the previews obviously display) then you'll get sky captains and have fun watching it.<br/><br/>it's 100X more fun to watch than original poor production value serials, but it still stays close to their feel. this film will be remembered long after the already forgotten 80s remake of flash gordon with the queen soundtrack.<br/><br/>this film is literally a no-brainer. you won't have to scratch your head over confusing details. you can just watch it and feel like a kid again, or you can watch it and feel like a crotchety old nit picker.<br/><br/>sky captains is a refreshing change of pace that pays homage to classic sci-fi from every decade. to anyone that makes "star wars" references... look at the address of the scientist's hide out. 1138 is a direct reference to george lucas' very first film which ironically enough has just been re-released finally.<br/><br/>if you'd like to see a film that has old fashioned innocence but still delivers large scale action, then sky captains delivers exactly what it advertises. Flooded with dozens of Matrix and Crouching Tiger look alike movies in last ten or so years, Sky Captain comes as a real refreshment. It's SF movie placed into unknown Earth dimension (I assume, since there is no explanation in the movie). Sky Captain is our hero and he's fighting against mysterious invasion of giant robots. Visually unique and beautiful (it's sort of like comic with real actors), story is interesting and fast going. I can compare it only as a combination of Flash Gordon comics and Batman movies. If you are fan of those, this movie is a MUST watch. If you aren't, give it a try, you'll sure love at least it's visual style. Sky Captain is a gorgeous, funny, and welcome novelty. The two vials contained the material for Totenkopf's genetically engineered humans, his Adam and Eve. "Sky Captain" is Joe's call-sign, or pilot nickname. The story behind it remains unknown.
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