a5c7b9f00b The Final 4 teams travel to the Bahamas where they must first find a Ridonculous Race Map which will lead the way during a under sea challenge to find gold coins. However they don't have much oxygen while doing this. Josee gets scared and is down to 2% of oxygen midway. Mcarther then helps her get to surface. Kitty gets stuck in rocks and must hold her breath to escape. Geoff and Brody make it in first place. The Cadets, Ice Dancers, and sisters then are in a foot race to the finish. Josee then hits Mcarthur with a coconut and they get 2nd. The cadets take 3rd and the sisters are eliminated. The final 3 teams then immediately make their way to New York City.
Bahamarama Tamil Dubbed Movie Torrent
Updated: Nov 28, 2020